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Traducere în limba română

regeneration substantiv

1. renaştere, reînnoire spirituală.

2. regenerare; (tehn., chim.) reacţie.

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

GLP-2, a peptide hormone primarily produced in the small intestines in response to food, plays a key role in intestinal epithelial growth, metabolism and regeneration of epithelial cells.

(Elsiglutide, NCI Thesaurus)

These cells are a type of brain stem cell important for maintaining normal brain function, and for the regeneration of myelin – the fatty sheath that surrounds our nerves, which is damaged in multiple sclerosis (MS).

(Cambridge scientists reverse ageing process in rat brain stem cells, University of Cambridge)

They discovered that a molecule called TET1 is produced in healthy adult liver cells during the first steps of regeneration, and that this process is mimicked in liver organoids, where it has a role in stimulating organoid growth.

(Regeneration mechanism discovered in mice could provide target for drugs to combat chronic liver disease, University of Cambridge)