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related adjectiv

1. istorisit, povestit, narat, spus, relatat, descris.

2. (to) legat, asociat, raportat (la).

3. înrudit.

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

You waited a decade for this wonderful home-related advantage.

(AstrologyZone.com, de Susan Miller)

The reasons for this alteration were at the same time related, and they were such as to make further entreaty on his side impossible.

(Sense and Sensibility, de Jane Austen)

Miss Lucas called soon after breakfast, and in a private conference with Elizabeth related the event of the day before.

(Pride and Prejudice, de Jane Austen)

He then related that, the morning on which the murder of poor William had been discovered, Justine had been taken ill, and confined to her bed for several days.

(Frankenstein, de Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley)

It has not occurred to me to mention Peggotty since I ran away; but, of course, I wrote her a letter almost as soon as I was housed at Dover, and another, and a longer letter, containing all particulars fully related, when my aunt took me formally under her protection.

(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)

Medicine related to non-malignant disease

(Medicine, Non-Malignant Disease, NCI Thesaurus)

You must share it with her to-night, Jane: it is no wonder that the incident you have related should make you nervous, and I would rather you did not sleep alone: promise me to go to the nursery.

(Jane Eyre, de Charlotte Brontë)

Mr. Weston was a great favourite, and there was not a creature in the world to whom she spoke with such unreserve, as to his wife; not any one, to whom she related with such conviction of being listened to and understood, of being always interesting and always intelligible, the little affairs, arrangements, perplexities, and pleasures of her father and herself.

(Emma, de Jane Austen)

This is a question that researchers are still trying to answer, as it is related, for example, to the issue of why some people lose weight so easily and others find it so difficult.

(Spending more time standing helps increase energy expenditure and combats the effects of a sedentary lifestyle, University of Granada)

It seems, that upon the first moment I was discovered sleeping on the ground, after my landing, the emperor had early notice of it by an express; and determined in council, that I should be tied in the manner I have related, (which was done in the night while I slept;) that plenty of meat and drink should be sent to me, and a machine prepared to carry me to the capital city.

(Gulliver's Travels into several remote nations of the world, de Jonathan Swift)