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resupply verb tranzitiv
a reaproviziona.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
More upwelling means more nutrient resupply, which means more biological activity.
(Some Exoplanets May Have Greater Variety of Life than Exists on Earth, Editura Global Info)
Scientists have long believed that the moon has gone through epochs of cooling and warming, as methane is depleted by solar-driven chemistry and then resupplied.
(New Models Suggest Titan Lakes Are Explosion Craters, NASA)
On July 25, which was the 110th anniversary of the first plane flight across the Channel by pilot Louis Blériot, Zapata fell into the water after a low-speed collision with the resupply boat.
(French inventor Franky Zapata successfully crosses English Channel on jet-powered hoverboard, Wikinews)