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retinas substantiv

(anat.) retină (a ochiului).

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

The scientists depleted the microglia in the retinas of mice using the drug PLX5622, which blocks the microglial CSF-1 receptor.

(Immune cells in the retina can spontaneously regenerate, National Institutes of Health)

The eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg are blue and gigantic—their retinas are one yard high.

(The Great Gatsby, de F. Scott Fitzgerald)

Ten weeks after the human iPSC-derived RPE patches were implanted in the animals’ retinas, imaging studies confirmed that the lab-made cells had integrated within the animal retina.

(Researchers rescue photoreceptors, prevent blindness in animal models of retinal degeneration, National Institutes of Health)

They studied 453 retinas, the eye tissue affected by AMD, from deceased human donors with and without AMD.

(New study about genes linked to age-related macular degeneration, National Institutes of Health)

All of us have a small area devoid of blood vessels in the center of our retinas that is responsible for our most precise vision.

(Predicting Alzheimer's Disease May Be Possible Using Eye Exam, Editura Global Info)

Using retinas isolated from mice, the scientist studied neurons called directionally selective retinal ganglion cells (DSGCs), which are known to fire and send signals to the brain in response to objects moving in specific directions across the eye.

(Eye cells may use math to detect motion, NIH)

The researchers injured the mice retinas with a toxin that causes cell death in retinal ganglion cells and interneurons, another type of retinal cell whose job it is to transmit signals from photoreceptors to the brain.

(Researchers unlock regenerative potential of cells in the mouse retina, National Institutes of Health)

In the new study, the researchers used a noninvasive technique — called optical coherence tomography angiography — to examine the retinas in eyes of 30 study participants with an average age in the mid 70s, none of whom exhibited clinical symptoms of Alzheimer's.

(Predicting Alzheimer's Disease May Be Possible Using Eye Exam, Editura Global Info)