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Traducere în limba română
rose-coloured adjectiv
1. roz, trandafiriu;
to see things through rose-coloured spectacles, to take rose-coloured views of things a vedea lucrurile în roz.
2. (fig.) optimist, voios, vesel, plin de viaţă.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
Such a beautiful little house as it is, with everything so bright and new; with the flowers on the carpets looking as if freshly gathered, and the green leaves on the paper as if they had just come out; with the spotless muslin curtains, and the blushing rose-coloured furniture, and Dora's garden hat with the blue ribbon—do I remember, now, how I loved her in such another hat when I first knew her!—already hanging on its little peg; the guitar-case quite at home on its heels in a corner; and everybody tumbling over Jip's pagoda, which is much too big for the establishment.
(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)
A dress of rose-coloured satin, very short, and as full in the skirt as it could be gathered, replaced the brown frock she had previously worn; a wreath of rosebuds circled her forehead; her feet were dressed in silk stockings and small white satin sandals.
(Jane Eyre, de Charlotte Brontë)