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Traducere în limba română
senior I. adjectiv
1. senior, (cel) mai mare, cel mare, (cel) mai în vârstă;
Brown senior Brown cel mare / cel vârstnic;
John Brown senior John Brown tatăl;
he is three years senior to me e cu trei ani mai mare / mai în vârstă decât mine.
2. (cel) mai vechi, (cea) mai veche; (cel) mai avansat, (cel) mai înaintat; superior (în rang, grad, funcţie etc.);
senior in rank superior în grad;
he is five years senior to me e mai vechi decât mine cu cinci ani;
(şcol.) the senior boys elevii mai mari; elevii mai vechi.
3. (şcol., despre un student, o studentă de la Cambridge) din anul al treilea.
4. (amer. şcol., despre un student, o studentă din universităţile americane) din anul al patrulea.
senior II. substantiv
1. persoană mai în vârstă (decât altă persoană);
he is three years my senior, he is my senior by three years e cu trei ani mai în vârstă decât mine;
he is twice my senior e de două ori mai în vârstă/ mai bătrân decât mine.
2. persoană mai veche (decât alta în grad, rang, funcţie, slujbă etc.).
3. decan de vârstă (în universităţile engleze).
4. (amer.) student(ă) în anul al patrulea (în universităţile americane).
5. (şcol.) premiant întâi.
6. staroste de breaslă.
7. bătrân, moş, moşneag.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
It might only need to be done in in this season over a couple of years, until enough small fish have settled, says another study author, Mark Meekan, senior principal research scientist at the Australian Institute of Marine Science.
(Loudspeakers used to attract fish back to dying coral reefs, SciDev.Net)
We showed for the first time that ripples may be the neural substrates through which the human brain successfully recalls memories, said Kareem Zaghloul, M.D., Ph.D., a neurosurgeon-researcher at the NIH’s National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) and senior author of the study.
(Our brains may ripple before remembering, National Institutes of Health)
We were of an age, he a few years perhaps my senior, but our tastes, our judgments, and our characters were alike, save only that he had in him a touch of pride such as I have never known in any other man.
(Rodney Stone, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
Seven years my senior.
(The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
We found that a certain region of our brains has a stronger preference for sounds with pitch than macaque monkey brains, said Bevil Conway, Ph.D., investigator in the NIH’s Intramural Research Program and a senior author of the study.
(Our brains appear uniquely tuned for musical pitch, National Institutes of Health)