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September I. substantiv
septembrie, răpciune.
September II. adjectiv
de septembrie.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
In that very room she had been measured last September, with her two friends.
(Emma, de Jane Austen)
You’ve had a highly productive month in September, but October was difficult, so now, in November, give yourself a chance to catch your breath.
(AstrologyZone.com, de Susan Miller)
"P. S. Mother sends her love. She seems better, poor dear. "P. P. S. We are to be married on 28 September."
(Dracula, de Bram Stoker)
In September 2015, the Outer Planet Atmospheres Legacy (OPAL) program, a long-term Hubble Space Telescope project that annually captures global maps of the outer planets, revealed a dark spot close to the location of the bright clouds, which had been tracked from the ground.
(Hubble Imagery Confirms New Dark Spot on Neptune, NASA)
Before the end of September, Emma attended Harriet to church, and saw her hand bestowed on Robert Martin with so complete a satisfaction, as no remembrances, even connected with Mr. Elton as he stood before them, could impair.
(Emma, de Jane Austen)
I know all up to a certain point; and I see already, though your diary only took me to 7 September, how poor Lucy was beset, and how her terrible doom was being wrought out.
(Dracula, de Bram Stoker)
So, if you were born near September 27 (or have Libra rising, zero to eight degrees), you may have had a rocky time in a love relationship or with a child or pregnancy last month.
(AstrologyZone.com, de Susan Miller)
This full moon will be beneficial to all Virgos, and doubly so if your birthday falls on September 13, plus or minus five days, and the same is true if you have the natal moon in Virgo or Virgo rising at 20 degrees, plus or minus five degrees.
(AstrologyZone.com, de Susan Miller)
He opened it at the back cover and turned it around for me to see. On the last fly-leaf was printed the word SCHEDULE, and the date September 12th, 1906.
(The Great Gatsby, de F. Scott Fitzgerald)