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Traducere în limba română
settlement substantiv
1. stabilire (a unui popor într-o ţară etc.) colonizare, populare (a unei ţări);
land awaiting settlement terenuri încă nepopulate.
2. instalare (a cuiva într-o casă etc.); (mai ales amer.) instalare (a unui pastor).
3. (s)cufundare, tasare (a pământului).
4. (mil.) amplasare (a unei piese).
5. limpezire (a unui lichid).
6. reglementare (a unei afaceri, a unui litigiu); soluţionare, rezolvare (a unui diferend etc.), rezolvare, hotărâre (a unei chestiuni); încheiere (a unui tratat etc.); (com.) reglementare, plată (a unui cont);
settlement of account oprire / reţinere din cont;
in (full) settlement pentru soldul (de achitare), pentru reglementarea întregulut cont;
cheque in settlement of your account cec pentru a vă echilibra contul.
7. stabilire, fixare, hotărâre (a unei date).
8. (la bursă) lichidare;
the settlement termenul;
dealings for settlement negocieri în termen;
settlement day ziua lichidării;
yearly settlement lichidarea de sfârşit de an.
9. acord (între două puteri etc.), înţelegere, tranzacţie, pact;
to make / to arrange a settlement with smb. a face un acord cu cineva, a ajunge la o înţelegere cu cineva;
(com.) legal settlement (between merchant and creditors) concordat (după faliment);
(jur.) settlement arrived at by the parties interese, settlement before judgment înţelegere / tranzacţie (înainte de judecată);
(jur.) settlement of an annuity (on) instituire a unei rente (în favoarea);
(deed of) settlement act / contract de instituire;
family settlement pact de familie;
marriage settlement contract, de căsătorie;
settlement in favour of daughter dotă;
settlement in favour of wife donaţie;
(marriage) settlement in trust regim dotal;
◊ (ist.) act of settlement act de succesiune (la tron).
10. (jur.) domiciliu legal; domiciliu de ajutorare (a săracilor).
11. colonie;
colonial settlement stabiliment colonial;
penal settlement colonie de deportare, colonie de delincvenţi;
T. B. settlement colonie sanitară pentru tuberculoşi, preventoriu; sanatoriu T.B.C.
12. operă de binefacere (în cartierele sărace ale unui mare oraş).
13. (amer.) sat mic, sătuc.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
If this describes you, start to try to fix the situation early in the month, for by December 15, you may hit on a settlement.
(AstrologyZone.com, de Susan Miller)
He had discovered the little valley and founded the settlement—all of which was against the law.
(Martin Eden, de Jack London)
Therefore she begged to be excused from any further attendance on the top set, until things were as they formerly was, and as they could be wished to be; and further mentioned that her little book would be found upon the breakfast-table every Saturday morning, when she requested an immediate settlement of the same, with the benevolent view of saving trouble and an ill-conwenience to all parties.
(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)
Mrs. Bennet was perfectly satisfied, and quitted the house under the delightful persuasion that, allowing for the necessary preparations of settlements, new carriages, and wedding clothes, she should undoubtedly see her daughter settled at Netherfield in the course of three or four months.
(Pride and Prejudice, de Jane Austen)
Taking the management of Peggotty's affairs into my own hands, with no little pride, I proved the will, and came to a settlement with the Legacy Duty-office, and took her to the Bank, and soon got everything into an orderly train.
(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)