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Traducere în limba română

skirt I. substantiv

1. pulpană (de rochie, pardesiu etc.).

2. fustă;

divided skirt fustă-pantalon;

(fam.) to be always hanging on to smb’s skirts a se ţine mereu de pulpana (hainei/ de fusta) cuiva.

3. (sl.) femeie, tipesă, fustă, jună.

4. (mai ales pl.) lizieră de pădure; periferie (de oraş);

on the skirts of the forest la marginea codrului.

skirt II. verb A. intranzitiv

(şi to skirt along/ round) a trace pe la margini, a merge pe lângă hotare;

the path skirts round the wood poteca înconjură pădurea.

skirt II. verb B. tranzitiv

1. a ocoli (un zid, o pădure, un oraş etc.).

2. (mar.) a lungi;

to skirt the coast a lungi coasta.

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

"Go 'way, me don't love Parpar." and Demi retired to his mother's skirts for protection.

(Little Women, de Louisa May Alcott)

I continued to wind among the paths of the wood, until I came to its boundary, which was skirted by a deep and rapid river, into which many of the trees bent their branches, now budding with the fresh spring.

(Frankenstein, de Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley)

My aunt finished eating the piece of toast on which she was then engaged, looking me full in the face all the while; and then setting her glass on the chimney-piece, and folding her hands upon her folded skirts, replied as follows: Trot, my child, if I have any object in life, it is to provide for your being a good, a sensible, and a happy man.

(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)

Meg smiled and relented, and whispered as they stood waiting to catch the time, "Take care my skirt doesn't trip you up. It's the plague of my life and I was a goose to wear it."

(Little Women, de Louisa May Alcott)