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Traducere în limba română
small I. adjectiv
1. (prea) mic, mărunt. minuscul;
a small sum o sumă (foarte) mică;
a small house o casă mică;
small stature statură / talie mică;
to make oneself small a se face mic (de tot);
that dress makes you look small rochia aceea to face (să arăţi) mai mică / mai măruntă;
small letters litere mici, minuscule;
(cinegetică) small game vânat mic (păsări etc.);
small shot alice mici;
small master mic meseriaş;
small coin / money monedă mică, bani mici / mărunţi, măruntiş;
a small matter o chestiune mică / măruntă, o bagatelă.
2. restrâns, redus, puţin la număr;
in small numbers în număr mic / restrâns;
small committee comitet restrâns;
a small party o petrecere / o reuniune mică / restrânsă.
3. uşor, slab, subţire, fin, slăbuţ, delicat;
small wine vin uşor;
small beer bere slabă;
to think no small beer of oneself a se crede grozav / cineva, a se crede buricul pământului;
small voice voce fină / delicată;
a small rain o ploaie fină / uşoară;
a small pulse puls slab.
4. (despre timp) scurt;
a small time un timp scurt.
5. (despre ore) mic, prim;
the small hours orele mici (după miezul nopţii);
in the small hours of the morning în primele ore ale dimineţii.
6. mic, puţin, redus slab, modest;
small income venit mic / redus / modest;
small resources mijloace reduse;
small harvest / crop recoltă slabă;
man of small abilities om cu capacităţi reduse;
to pay small attention to smth. a da / a acorda puţină atenţie la ceva;
in a small way în mic, într-un mod restrâns, cu modestie.
7. neînsemnat, de mică importantă, neimportant, mic, mărunt;
a small minority o minoritate mică / neînsemnată;
on a small scale pe o scară mică, de mică importanţă;
at a small rate ieftin, cu preţ redus;
(la jocuri de cărţi) small card carte (de valoare) mică;
the smaller industries industriile / întreprinderile mici, mica industrie;
small change bani mărunţi, mărunţiş;
great and small (cei) mari şi (cei) mici.
8. meschin, josnic, mărginit, limitat, mic (la suflet);
small mind suflet mic, minte limitată;
that’s very small of you aceasta este foarte meschin din partea ta.
9. ruşinat, jenat, sărăcăcios;
to look small a avea aerul plouat / ruşinat / jenat;
to make smb. feel small a face pe cineva să se sirntă jenat / ruşinat.
small II. substantiv
1. parte mică, parte subţire;
small of the back şale, scobitura spatelui;
small of the leg partea subţire a gambei / a pulpei;
(la armele de mână; la puşcă) small of the butt partea mai subţire a patului puştii (de unde se apucă cu mâna).
2. plural v. small clothes.
small III. adverb
1. (a toca, a scrie) mărunt, mic.
2. (rar, despre cântec) încet, uşor, fin, subţire;
to sing small a o lăsa mai moale, a coborî tonul.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
Conversation with any of them occupied but a small part of it.
(Mansfield Park, de Jane Austen)
“Morland says exactly the same,” replied Isabella; “and yet I dare not expect it; my fortune will be so small; they never can consent to it. Your brother, who might marry anybody!”
(Northanger Abbey, de Jane Austen)
This portion was composed of the non-killers and the small killers.
(White Fang, de Jack London)
I have not the smallest doubt of the issue.
(Emma, de Jane Austen)
Johnson was a splendid seaman, and he knew as much about small boats as he did about ships.
(The Sea-Wolf, de Jack London)
Creatures so absorbed in care about their pretty faces, and their white hands, and their small feet; as if a man had anything to do with beauty!
(Jane Eyre, de Charlotte Brontë)
In his own small room Martin lived, slept, studied, wrote, and kept house.
(Martin Eden, de Jack London)
At last they came to a small cottage.
(Fairy Tales, de The Brothers Grimm)
His bicycle was kept in a small shed beside this lawn, and it also was gone.
(The Return of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
By the way, I've got a small job for you, if you'll help me.
(The Lost World, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)