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Traducere în limba română

spinning I. substantiv

1. tors; toarcere.

2. (text.) filare; filatură.

3. (av.) coborâre în vrilă.

4. (tehn.) fasonare prin presare la drucbanc.

spinning II. adjectiv

1. care toarce.

2. de tors.

3. care se învârteşte.

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

Spinning forces, they note, can be balanced against gravitational forces to learn more about their masses—they further note that such a balance is what keeps objects from being pulled into the black hole at the center of the galaxy or being flung out into space.

(Researchers Estimate Mass of Milky Way to Be 3.9 Tredecillion Pounds, Editura Global Info)