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Traducere în limba română
spring tide substantiv
1. (poetic) primăvară.
2. flux subit şi violent al mării.
3. (fig.) potop; revărsare.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
Spring tides mean one thing for alligators: more food.
(Alligators, rulers of the swamps, link marine and freshwater ecosystems, NSF)
By tracking 'gators, the ecologists determined that alligators remain in marine habitats for longer periods around spring tides — tides just after a full or new moon, when there's the greatest difference between high and low water. (In contrast, neap tides occur just after the first or third quarters of the moon, when there is the least change between high and low water.)
(Alligators, rulers of the swamps, link marine and freshwater ecosystems, NSF)