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Traducere în limba română
stuff I. substantiv
1. material, materie, substanţă, stofă (pl. fig.); esenţă, chintesenţă;
to collect the stuff for a book a aduna / a strânge materialul pentru o carte;
(fam.) that’s the stuff asta e (tocmai) ceea ce (ne) trebuie;
(pop.) doctor’s stuff medicament, doctorie, leac;
garden / green stuff legume, zarzavat(uri), verdeţuri;
a man with plenty of good stuff on him un om cu mari calităţi;
(fam.) hot stuff a) ceva remarcabil / excelent / admirabil / minunat; b) artist / jucător / lucrător etc. de mare clasă / de prima forţă; c) anecdotă, carte sau literatură picantă / piperată / indecentă / fără perdea; d) depravare, corupţie, desfrâu, desfrânare; e) bombardament / foc intens / puternic de artilerie;
(amer. sl.) to pull some raw stuff a friza necuviinţa / indecenţa; a povesti / a spune anecdote piperate;
(amer.) rough stuff purtare brutală / huliganică;
(fam.) sob stuff povestiri sentimentale / înduioşătoare, peltea;
he is made of sterner stuff than his father are un caracter mai ferm / mai hotărât decât tatăl său;
sweet stuff dulciuri.
2. (şi poor stuff) lucru de nimic; lucruri fără valoare, nimicuri, marfă proastă; (fig. fam.) baliverne, fleacuri, prostii, bazaconii;
(fam.) (all) stuff and nonsense!, that’s all stuff (astea sunt) fleacuri, prostii;
(fam. peior.) ...and stuff ... şi altele, ..,şi alte fleacuri;
(fam.) old stuff vechituri, boarfe;
this book is poor stuff cartea asta e slabă / fără valoare;
do you call this stuff butter? (nu cumva) vrei să spui că ăsta e unt?;
(fam.) none of your stuff! slăbeşte-mă cu prostiile tale!
3. (text.) material, ţesătură (mai ales de lână), stofă.
4. (tehn.) (material de) umplutură.
stuff II. verb A. tranzitiv
1. a umple (până la refuz), a înţesa, a tixi; (gastr.) a umple (cu tocătură); a împăna.
2. a înghesui, a îndesa, a băga, a vârî (cu forţa).
3. a băga, a vârî, a înfige (ceva într-un orificiu astupându-l).
4. a astupa.
5. a îndopa, a îmbuiba;
(fam.) stuff a cold and starve a fever când eşti răcit mănâncă (cât mai mult), iar când ai febră / friguri / căldură mănâncă (cât mai) puţin.
6. a îndopa, a îngrăşa;
to stuff geese a îndopa gâşte.
7. (fig. fam.) a amăgi, a păcăli, a trage pe sfoară; a vinde (cuiva) gogoşi.
8. (amer. pol.) a umple (urna de vot) cu buletine false, a măslui (urna de vot).
9. a tapisa (scaune etc.).
10. a împăia.
11. to stuff in a înghesui, a îndesa, a băga, a vârî (cu forţa) înăuntru;
to stuff into a înghesui, a îndesa, a băga, a vârî (cu forţa) în;
to stuff one’s clothes into a suit-case a-şi îndesa hainele într-un geamantan;
to stuff one’s fingers / to one’s ears a-şi vârî degetele în urechi, a-şi astupa urechile cu degetele;
to stuff out a umple (cu câlţi, lână etc. );
to stuff up a) (fam.) a amăgi, a păcăli, a trage pe sfoară; a vinde (cuiva) gogoşi; b) a astupa;
to stuff with a) a umple, a înţesa, a tixi cu; b) a îndopa, a îmbuiba cu;
to stuff a child with sweets a îndopa un copil cu dulciuri.
stuff II. verb B. intranzitiv
(on) a se îndopa, a se îmbuiba (cu); a mânca cu lăcomie/ hulpav;
stuff today and starve tomorrow azi bogat, mâine sărac.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
He was conscious that it was great stuff he was writing.
(Martin Eden, de Jack London)
I can see that you have the stuff in you.
(Rodney Stone, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
"He isn't heavy a bit," said Dorothy eagerly, "for he is stuffed with straw; and if you will bring him back to us, we shall thank you ever and ever so much."
(The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, de L. Frank Baum)
So the grey cub knew fear, though he knew not the stuff of which fear was made.
(White Fang, de Jack London)
More of this white stuff was falling through the air.
(The Call of the Wild, de Jack London)
Just wait till I see Annie Moffat, and I'll show you how to settle such ridiculous stuff.
(Little Women, de Louisa May Alcott)
He said that three of them were essential, and that he must keep them. ‘You cannot keep them,’ said I. ‘There will be a dreadful row at Woolwich if they are not returned.’ ‘I must keep them,’ said he, ‘for they are so technical that it is impossible in the time to make copies.’ ‘Then they must all go back together to-night,’ said I. He thought for a little, and then he cried out that he had it. ‘Three I will keep,’ said he. ‘The others we will stuff into the pocket of this young man.
(His Last Bow, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
Beyond the fact that he was a middle-sized man and dressed in some dark stuff, we have no personal clue; but we are making energetic inquiries, and if he is a stranger we shall soon find him out.
(The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
His kindness was not confined to words; for within an hour after he left them, a large basket full of garden stuff and fruit arrived from the park, which was followed before the end of the day by a present of game.
(Sense and Sensibility, de Jane Austen)
It was stuffed with papers.
(The Return of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)