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Traducere în limba română

unfortunate I. adjectiv

1. nenorocos, ghinionist.

2. nenorocit.

3. (despre o eroare) regretabil; (despre un prilej) nefavorabil.

unfortunate II. substantiv

1. nenorocit.

2. femeie pierdută.

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

It was evident to me that our unfortunate client was lost.

(The Return of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

It had been unfortunate from the first.

(Martin Eden, de Jack London)

At length I had a good view of him, and either my vision deceived me, or it was the old unfortunate Tommy.

(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)

Again he stopped to recover himself; and Elinor spoke her feelings in an exclamation of tender concern, at the fate of his unfortunate friend.

(Sense and Sensibility, de Jane Austen)

Collingwood shook the hand of the unfortunate captain.

(Rodney Stone, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

It is exceedingly unfortunate that you should be a bachelor.

(The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

When the maid entered, about seven, there the unfortunate fellow was hanging in the middle of the room.

(The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

The cold is excessive, and many of my unfortunate comrades have already found a grave amidst this scene of desolation.

(Frankenstein, de Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley)

When Mr. March lost his property in trying to help an unfortunate friend, the two oldest girls begged to be allowed to do something toward their own support, at least.

(Little Women, de Louisa May Alcott)

I have always thought it a very foolish intimacy, said Mr. Knightley presently, though I have kept my thoughts to myself; but I now perceive that it will be a very unfortunate one for Harriet.

(Emma, de Jane Austen)