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Traducere în limba română

voluntary I. adjectiv

1. voluntar, spontan, făcut de bună voie, din proprie initiaţivă;

voluntary offer ofertă făcută din proprie iniţiativă;

voluntary service serviciu voluntar;

voluntary gift dar făcut de bună voie;

he was a voluntary agent in this matter el acţiona în mod liber în chestiunea asta.

2. benevol, susţinut prin contribuţie voluntară;

voluntary organization organizaţie întreţinută din contribuţiile benevole ale membrilor ei.

3. (fiziol.) voluntar, depinzând de voinţa omului;

voluntary muscle muşchi voluntar.

4. (jur.) voluntar;

voluntary waste distrugere intenţionată.

5. voluntar, alcătuit pe o bază voluntară;

voluntary army armată de voluntari.

voluntary II. substantiv

1. (muz. bis.) piesă pentru orgă etc.;

concluding/ outgoing voluntary final de orgă.

2. examen facultativ.

3. partizan al separării bisericii de stat şi al menţinerii ei prin contribuţii voluntare.

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

He began speaking of Harriet, and speaking of her with more voluntary praise than Emma had ever heard before.

(Emma, de Jane Austen)

Their man-servant had been sent one morning to Exeter on business; and when, as he waited at table, he had satisfied the inquiries of his mistress as to the event of his errand, this was his voluntary communication—I suppose you know, ma'am, that Mr. Ferrars is married.

(Sense and Sensibility, de Jane Austen)

She hoped to marry him, and they continued together till she was obliged to be convinced that such hope was vain, and till the disappointment and wretchedness arising from the conviction rendered her temper so bad, and her feelings for him so like hatred, as to make them for a while each other's punishment, and then induce a voluntary separation.

(Mansfield Park, de Jane Austen)

The result of this distress was, that, with a much more voluntary, cheerful consent than his daughter had ever presumed to hope for at the moment, she was able to fix her wedding-day—and Mr. Elton was called on, within a month from the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Martin, to join the hands of Mr. Knightley and Miss Woodhouse.

(Emma, de Jane Austen)