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wear¹ I. verb past wore, part. trec. worn A. tranzitiv
1. a purta; a fi îmbrăcat cu;
to wear a blouse a purta o bluză;
(fam.) to wear the breeches a purta pantaloni, a porunci în casă;
(fam.) to wear the petticoat a fi sub papuc.
2. a purta (o coroană, bijuterii etc.).
3. a roade, a uza; a freca; a bătători.
4. a istovi, a obosi (peste măsură);
she is worn to a shadow nu mai e declt o umbră.
5. to wear away / down / off / out a uza (haine etc.);
to wear out v. to wear (A, 4).
wear¹ I. verb past wore, part. trec. worn B. intranzitiv
1. (şi to wear away / down / off / out) a se uza, a se ponosi, a se strica, a se roade;
(despre o haină etc.) to wear thin a se subţia.
2. (despre o haină etc.) a se purta;
to wear well a) (despre o haină) a se menţine, a nu se uza repede; b) (despre cineva) a se ţine bine (pentru vârsta respectivă).
3. (şi to wear away) (înv.) on (despre timp etc.) a trece / a se scurge încet / anevoios;
the day wore to an end ziua trecu încet.
4. to wear on smb. a irita pe cineva, a călca pe nervii cuiva;
(rar despre haine) to wear to a se potrivi cu (sau cu dat.).
wear¹ II. substantiv
1. purtare (a îmbrăcăminţii);
in wear care se poartă; la modă;
a dress for spring wear o rochie de primăvară.
2. îmbrăcăminte; haine; straie, veşminte;
men's wear haine bărbăteşti.
3. durată de purtare (a hainelor etc.);
there is still much wear in these shoes pantofii ăştia o să se poarte încă multă vreme.
4. uzare; uzură, ponosire;
to show wear a se uza;
wear and tear a) uzură; b) (fig.) uzură; oboseală.
wear², past wore, part. trec. worn (mar.) verb A. tranzitiv
a întoarce (vasul) după vânt.
wear², past wore, part. trec. worn (mar.) verb B. intranzitiv
(despre vase) a se întoarce după vânt.
wear³ substantiv, vezi weir.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
Oh, Jo, you are not going to wear that awful hat?
(Little Women, de Louisa May Alcott)
This, through many years of service and wear, had acquired a long, lean blade.
(The Sea-Wolf, de Jack London)
The horror and distress you were involved in, the stretch of mind, the wear of spirits!
(Persuasion, de Jane Austen)
"You need not look in that way," I said; if you do, I'll wear nothing but my old Lowood frocks to the end of the chapter.
(Jane Eyre, de Charlotte Brontë)
As the evening wore on his excitement became quite painful.
(The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
"It is kind of you to wear that," said Boq.
(The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, de L. Frank Baum)
Since the first joy from Mr. Crawford's note to William had worn away, she had been in a state absolutely the reverse; there had been no comfort around, no hope within her.
(Mansfield Park, de Jane Austen)
“Your words are strange to me,” quoth Sir Nigel, “for you have the appearance of a stout man, and I see that you wear a sword by your side.”
(The White Company, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
Doctor, I thought you had worn the king's coat!
(Treasure Island, de Robert Louis Stevenson)
And I had rather wear it, father.
(Rodney Stone, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)