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Traducere în limba română
word I. substantiv
1. cuvânt, vorbă;
word for word cuvânt cu cuvânt;
in a / one word într-un cuvânt, pe scurt;
high/ hard/ hot words cuvinte aprinse/ mânioase;
in a few words în câteva cuvinte;
to get/ to have/ to say/ the last word a avea ultimul cuvânt;
fair/ good words cuvinte frumoase; vorbe dulci; complimente;
to go behind smb.'s words a căuta înţelesuri ascunse în cuvintele cuiva;
in other words cu alte cuvinte;
in so many words tocmai aşa, fără dublu înţeles;
(fam.) mark my word! ţine minte ce-ţi spun!;
(fam.) not a word! nici o vorbă! gura!;
to put into words a exprima prin cuvinte/ în vorbe;
to swallow/ to a take back/ to eat one's words a-şi lua vorba napoi / îndărăt;
to waste words a vorbi degeaba/ în vânt;
(prov.) good words cost nothing and are worth much (aprox.) vorba dulce mult aduce.
2. plural exprimare; enunţ; cuvinte, text.
3. cuvânt de onoare, promisiune.
4. vorbă; ştire, veste;
to leave word a lăsa vorbă.
5. parolă.
6. poruncă, ordin.
7. the Word (rel.) Cuvântul, Logos.
8. (pl.) sfadă; dispută.
9. (înv.) moto; proverb.
word II. verb tranzitiv
a exprima; a redacta.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
Haythorne, if you'll take my word for it.
(Love of Life and Other Stories, de Jack London)
"Upon my word it would," replied Mary.
(Persuasion, de Jane Austen)
And with these words she broke away and hurried off.
(Northanger Abbey, de Jane Austen)
During all these years I have known that I had but to say the word to receive as much as I wished from him.
(Rodney Stone, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, 30 Minute Delay Recall, Word 6.
(ADNI AVLT - List A 30 Min Delay Recall Word 6, NCI Thesaurus)
Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, 30 Minute Delay Recall, Word 4.
(ADNI AVLT - List A 30 Min Delay Recall Word 4, NCI Thesaurus)
Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, 30 Minute Delay Recall, Word 14.
(ADNI AVLT - List A 30 Min Delay Recall Word 14, NCI Thesaurus)
Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A - List A, 30 Minute Delay Recall, Word 13.
(ADNI AVLT - List A 30 Min Delay Recall Word 13, NCI Thesaurus/CDISC)
Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A - List A, 30 Minute Delay Recall, Word 14.
(ADNI AVLT - List A 30 Min Delay Recall Word 14, NCI Thesaurus/CDISC)
Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, 30 Minute Delay Recall, Word 3.
(ADNI AVLT - List A 30 Min Delay Recall Word 3, NCI Thesaurus)